
ON THE AGENDA Here are some of...



Here are some of the items the council will consider Tuesday.


The council will consider whether to increase recreational fees,

building permit fees, false alarm fees and other user fees. The last

increase was made in August 2002. Finance officials did not recommend

any new fees.

Given the total estimated revenues for user fees and charges in

the 2003-04 budget, a 2% increase could result in additional revenue

of $105,000. Whatever changes the council adopts will be incorporated

into the fiscal year 2003-04 User Fees and Charges.

The council continued this item from its Jan. 5 meeting. This

decision was based on staff members’ receiving lots of questions

about the issue from the public and the council and on a request from

Southern California Edison to continue the item so company

representatives could meet with staff members on some of the fees

they are concerned about.


The city’s practice has been to update the city’s user fees and

charges on a periodic basis to keep up with the costs of providing

services. Finance department staff members recommend increasing the

fees and charges.

“The fees are just our cost, and they’re are our hard cost,” Mayor

Gary Monahan said.


The council will receive an update from Public Services Director

Bill Morris on the research he has done so far on the possible sale

of land in Fairview Park that some homeowners have encroached on.

In September, the City Council approved the research of what it

would take to sell the small parcels of land behind 17 homes on Swan Drive. These homeowners have exceeded their property limits from less

than a foot to more than 22 feet.

Morris said it could take about 2 1/2 years and cost an estimated

$93,000 just to get to the point where the council can make an

informed decision on whether to sell. Morris said he will suggest

that the homeowners who are encroaching pay that price.

The Mesa Verde Homeowners Assn., which includes property owners on

Swan Drive, opposes the sale.


The council will receive Morris’ report.

“Nothing’s changed in my mind,” Monahan said.


The council will consider a request from Councilwoman Libby Cowan

on the Community Development Block Grant Public Service Grant

Policies and Procedures Action.

The council approved reducing the homeless prevention/assistance

category from 40% to 25% at its Jan. 5 meeting.

Cowan doesn’t believe that the Jan. 5 agenda gave an adequate

description of the action the council could take. She also points out

that the staff report for this item was not available on the website.

She also believes the council was misled into believing its reduction

was recommended by the Redevelopment and Residential Rehabilitation

Committee. Her request states that no vote on this subject was taken,

committee members said.


“I’m perfectly comfortable with the action we took two weeks ago,”

Monahan said.

-- Deirdre Newman
