
Meeting will focus on Westside committee...

Meeting will focus on Westside committee

The Costa Mesa Redevelopment Agency, more commonly known as the

City Council, will meet tonight to discuss its problematic 75-member

subcommittee, its facilitation and membership.

The Community Redevelopment Action Committee, which some of its

disheartened members have lovingly nicknamed the CRAC committee, has

been a source of contention since its inception. The all-inclusive

committee, designed to forge a working plan for the future of the

Westside, hit a considerable road block when a handful of members

asked the City Council to regulate the committee’s facilitators,

Civic Solutions Inc.

The Redevelopment Agency will hear a progress report from Civic

Solutions tonight at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall and will discuss a lack

of attendance by committee members.
