
Tending to details for children

Suzie Harrison

Ann Simpson has only been a volunteer at the Huntington Beach

Community Clinic for a little more than four months, but it’s a

position she really values.

Before she retired two years ago from the Huntington Beach Water

Department, where she worked part-time, Simpson worked in sales and

had a company with her brother selling steel. Prior to that she sold

advertising on the East Coast.

Simpson, 68, felt the need to be active in her retirement.

When she was speaking with Ganka Brown, the fund-raising director

at the clinic, Simpson mentioned she had wanted to help out in some

capacity at the clinic. Brown got in touch with Simpson and asked if

she could volunteer.

“I thought, if I’m not doing anything I should volunteer,” she

said. “I love little children; it’s something I really enjoy.”

Now, she volunteers in pediatrics five days a week, Monday through

Friday, four hours each day.

“Everyone just depends on Ann,” Brown said. “She’s so good natured

and flexible -- people just love her.”

One of her main tasks is to help organize charts and billing, as

well as take care of a lot of the little details, Simpson said.

“I have to be organized,” Simpson said. “I don’t mind helping Dr.

Weaver, who is the pediatric doctor, she’s a real sweetheart, loves

those children and is dedicated.”

Simpson said she likes the idea of being busy and does not like to

be idle.

And while bookkeeping may be tedious for some, it’s right up her


It’s a natural thing -- I love to be organized,” Simpson said.She

said what she does is important to her and feels the staff and

volunteers at the clinic are a kind, neat bunch of people who work


“I can’t say enough for that clinic,” Simpson said. “It’s the best

place I’ve ever worked. So many people come in -- I can’t believe the

amount of medical help the clinic provides.”

When she’s not at the clinic helping the pediatrician with her

paperwork so the doctor can spend more time with her patients, she

enjoys the company of her friends and animals.

Simpson has lived in Huntington Beach since 1996 and has four cats

and a dog.

“I love my animals. They’re little sweethearts,” she said.
