
Web site ranks areas by number...

Web site ranks areas by number of violent deaths

UC Irvine’s Citizen Peacebuilding Program has launched a Web site

that ranks cities, counties, states and countries by rate of violent


The new Web site, launched Sept. 11, supports the program’s

efforts to provide an international clearinghouse for research,

education and action on public peace processes. The site will help

the program find ways that citizens can work together to prevent

violent conflict and , if violence occurs, to promote reconciliation

and sustainable peace.

The rankings -- gathered from the World Health Organization,

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and the FBI -- will

be monitored, evaluated and updated yearly.

The Citizen Peacebuilding Program employs an integrated approach

to amicable accord by studying the most successful methods of

creating peace in community-based, national and global conflicts. The

most promising techniques are then shared with interested

organizations and individuals, and training is offered in conflict


The program’s efforts include building peace in Orange County and

Los Angeles neighborhoods, as well as in communities in Northern

Ireland and the former Soviet Union.
