
Clean up substandard housing conditions Some...

Clean up substandard housing conditions

Some years ago when Joe Erickson was on the Costa Mesa City

Council, I asked him why the city could not go in and check

apartments for substandard conditions and make the landlords clean

them up (“Code proposal triggers debate,” Sept. 19).

At that time, Erickson told me the city did not have the right

unless the renters complained and my reply was, “What, and be kicked

out for complaining?”

Make the landlords live in the condition that they did in Los

Angeles. Keep up the good work to clean those conditions and perhaps

the tenants will take pride in where they live.


Costa Mesa

City should not have removed ficus trees

I have to maintain that there is a better answer than simply

cutting them down and ridding the street of that much beauty (“City

tears down Main Street ficus,” Sept. 19). There’s got to be a better

answer than that.

I just wanted to add my name to those who object. I don’t know the

extent of investigating the problem and what can be done about it. I

have no idea what has been done, but I think the conclusion has been

reached too rapidly. What the judge has based his decision on I don’t



Newport Beach
