

“They’re coming anyway. Shouldn’t we do our best to make sure they

blend in with surrounding buildings, that they are collocated with

existing structures and that we can protect our public safety

communications from interference?”

-- Dave Kiff, Newport Beach’s assistant city manager, on creating

guidelines and price ranges for cellular antennas, since federal

regulations on the way will force cities to allow the phone companies

to build the antennas

“The floor plan is not made for a family. The family room is in

the back, not near the kitchen where the family can hang around. I’m

a hands-on grandma and I like the children to be around the kitchen

when I’m cooking.”

-- Beverly Cohen, a Bay Shore Drive resident, on why John Wayne’s

former home needs to be demolished for her and her husband’s new home

“It’s one thing to hear from the various municipalities, but it is

another thing when they hear from us and the residents.”

-- Allan Roeder, Costa Mesa’s city manager, on encouraging

residents to voice their opposition of additional overhead flights to

the Federal Aviation Administration

“In such a case, it would be essential that the House be quickly

replenished to ensure that it can meet its constitutional obligations

in a time of crisis.”

-- Chris Cox, Newport Beach’s U.S. Representative, on the need to

replace members of the House of Representatives if they are

eliminated in the worst-case aftermath of a potential large-scale

terrorist attack

“Sometimes when you can do more than one thing, it can be a

handicap.... It can allow you to make decisions you regret later in

life. “

-- Polly Bergen, on her decision to quit singing for 35 years.

Bergen, 72, will appear this week at the Orange County Performing

Arts Center.
