
Kudos to the school board

Dealing with substance abuse in schools is a complicated process

and can at times seem futile.

It can’t be ignored, but sometimes districts go overboard to prove

they’re serious about stopping student abuse. Zero tolerance, in its

blindness, can be unjust and detrimental to a student’s future.

It doesn’t seem a logical solution to take one of the things

students love in life away from them to straighten them out.

The Laguna Unified School District Board of Education made an

intelligent decision to not adopt a zero-tolerance policy and instead

opted to give students a chance.

The board recently adopted a revision to its misconduct policy

that if a student is caught in possession of, using or selling

tobacco, controlled substances or alcohol they will be suspended from

extra or co-curricular activities (i.e. band and theater) for five

days even if the violation is committed outside school (and if the

accusation of wrongdoing is validated after an investigation). If

they are caught a second time they will lose the privilege of

participating in those activities for the rest of the school year.

As some of us can remember, fear of consequence hasn’t fully

developed in most high school students. The adopted disciplinary

process gives students a chance to prevent further suspension if they

choose to. They’re more likely to make a change with the reality of

being caught in their face and the ability to hold on to their

extra-curricular activity in their hands.

This is a fair chance for the student and their parents to make a


Thank you school board trustees and Supt. Theresa Daem for

thinking before acting.
