
“I shall try to smile and...

“I shall try to smile and be charming as I throw out another

handful of Friskies for the camera to record.”

-- Bunty Justin,

“The dory fleet is just too important to the history and the

tourism economy and to locals. It would be terrible to lose that.”

-- Tod Ridgeway,

“Even more brazenly, multimillionaire class-action lawyers

are using the corporate scandals as excuses

to weaken the few modest regulations that restrain their


-- Chris Cox,

“It’s pretty high and dry by now. It’s too far up on the beach to

pull it off.”

-- Karl Von Voight,

“This seems unfair, it really does. It means that government has

that much more power to say you will or will not assemble, using the

leverage of costs.”

-- Al Ramirez,

“What we’re doing is going to be for the people who aren’t even

born yet. Because this is our chance to make sure 25 years from now

that we still have a viable community college district.”

-- Paul Berger,
