
Relocate ‘Duck Central’ or feed the ducks to people

Relocating the water-fowling ducks to an inland park is one

solution (“Newport Beach trying to duck the law,” May 28). Maybe

relocating “Duck Central” to an inland park would be a better

solution. That way the fowl lover could still feed the ducks she

feels are her charges.

I personally think the old-fashion approach to controlling the

duck population around Balboa Island that was used many years ago was

a resourceful solution. However, the health department didn’t agree

with me. You see, years ago, people then, too, fed the ducks --

mostly stale bread. This fattened up the ducks and gave them

substance to lose the desire to migrate, but not to breed. But the

duck population stayed in check thanks to resourceful entrepreneurs

at a Chinese restaurant that used to catch the ducks and cook them.

Boy, were they good. This inadvertent method of controlling the duck

population and providing a rewarding culinary experience worked for

years until the health department caught wind of their operation and

cited the restaurant with a cease and desist order.

Now other health issues are blowing in the wind and drifting in

the water, and apparently waddling through the alleys as well. The

ducks have fowled and fouled the water to a point where it is not

safe for children to play in the harbor. Duck excrement puddles the

sidewalks. And the quacking of hundreds of ducks provide an unwanted

earful to the neighbors of “Duck Central.”

I know many people think ducks are cute. Especially in the spring

when you see a mother leading her ducklings along. I too think ducks

are cute, and I also think it’s cute when children can enjoy playing

in the harbor and splash around like children should do without being

exposed to harmful bacteria caused be the ducks.

So I think the city of Newport Beach should grant that Chinese

restaurant a waiver and allow them to catch and cook duck. Delicious.


Newport Beach
