
Photo of the week

The Fourth of July scene in West Newport is always the biggest news

story of the day for the Newport-Mesa area. It’s fun to see what kinds of

pictures you get. It’s interesting how as a photojournalist you can float

through the crowd, from party to party and street to street, just

observing. It’s like you’re part of it all, but you’re really not. You’re

kind of like a ghost or a fly on the wall, watching moments of time pass.

When I looked through the crowd and saw California Highway Patrol

officers writing a citation to a party-goer for having an open container,

I began to take photos. As it unfolded, I was a little confused. The guy

was getting the ticket, but he was still drinking his beer.

After I got my shot, I went and talked to the officers. I asked why

the guy was still drinking after being caught. They said “He might as

well, that beer is costing him a hundred dollars.”

--Sean Hiller.
