
Notable Quotables

“In New York City, people are still pretty apprehensive because of

[the terrorist attacks]. This seems like the last place that would

happen. There’s girls in bikinis and beer. How could Al Queda have a

problem with that?”

-- Dan Contento, on why he traveled from the East Coast to Newport

Beach to celebrate the Fourth of July

“Basically, there was an oversight. No one spoke up for the fishers

south of Point Conception. I and others didn’t catch that it should not

quite be the same there.”

-- John Devore, member of the Pacific Fisheries Management Council,

which recommended the original ban on catching rockfish. After complaints

by fishers in Newport Beach’s dory fleet, the council suggested that part

of the ban be lifted.

“It doesn’t solve all the problems, but it keeps our doors open.”

-- Jan Baker, whose family trawls the waters as part of the dory

fleet, on the fishery council’s proposal to lift the ban on three species

of rockfish

“I think that being in the band has kept me young. There’s a feeling

you get back from the audience that makes it worthwhile.”

-- Willard Courtney, 87, a member of the Oasis Dance Band, on why he

volunteered with the musical group, which played its last tune at the

Oasis Senior Center in June

“It appears that, unfortunately, the City Council has appointed the

kind of person who is more interested in fanning the flames than

extinguishing them.”

-- Rusty Kennedy, executive director of the Orange County Human

Relations Committee, on the Costa Mesa City Council’s April appointment

of Allan Mansoor to the Costa Mesa Human Relations Committee. Kennedy

said it appears that Mansoor regularly posts comments on a Web site that

are offensive to Latinos, homosexuals and immigrants.

“I don’t feel that expressing my viewpoints is grounds for removal.

Where is the tolerance and understanding for my point of view?”

-- Allan Mansoor, member of the Costa Mesa Human Relations Committee,

on his right to post comments some find offensive without being taken off

the committee

“It’s transporting kids to and from school. If we weren’t there to do

it, a lot of these kids wouldn’t get there.”

-- Kim Large, bus driver for Newport-Mesa Unified School District, on

her job
