
City officials consider sewer rate hike

Barbara Diamond

Residential and commercial property owners have until June 18 to

protest a proposed sewer rate increase.

Written protests must be submitted to the City Clerk before the end of

the City Council hearing on the proposed hike. All correspondence should

include the parcel number of the property.

Protests act as a vote against the hike. More than 50% of property

owners must protest the hike to vote it down.

Letters outlining the voting procedure and estimated increases were

mailed to property owners April 19. As of Wednesday, 29 protests had been


The increase is planned to be 10% this coming fiscal year and another

10% in fiscal year 2003-04. The rate for a single-family home will

increase from $27.70 to $29.67 starting July 1, when the new budget takes

effect. The rate will go up to $32.67 the following year. Commercial

property rates will be calculated per 100 cubic foot of water used.
