
Cityscape roundup

The Planning Commission will discuss at Wednesday’s meeting potential

changes in the city’s zoning ordinance that would set parameters on the

size, height and lot coverage of residences in town.

Concerns have been growing about the cumulative effect of the

increased sizes of homes and the loss of older “Laguna charmers” and

Laguna charm to make way for more opulent residences.

“Mansionization’ was talked about a lot in the visioning process and

interested people probably will want to attend the meeting,” said Carolyn

Wood, Laguna Canyon Conservancy president. “People complain they don’t

know what is happening. This is their opportunity to hear what is being

discussed and to express their opinions.”

The commission meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the City Council

Chamber, 505 Forest Ave. For more information, call 497-0361.

-- Barbara Diamond
