
Ocean View will consider $4.8 million plan

The Ocean View School Board has started the ball rolling on a

$4.8-million plan to improve 15 district schools.

The board is scheduled to consider the plan at its May 7 meeting,

about three weeks after it was unveiled to the public for the first time

at the April 16 meeting.

The improvements are scheduled for the 2002-03 school year and include

new playground equipment at Hope View and Oak View elementary schools and

new gyms or auditoriums at Marine View, Spring View, Vista View and Mesa

View middle schools.

The district also plans to add physical education classrooms at the

middle schools and hire an architect to develop plans for modernizing

Village View, Marine View and Westmont schools.

“In many ways, they are enhancements,” said Carolyn Stocker, the chief

operations and facilities officer at the district. “It’s to make the

environment better for the kids.”

The board plans to pay for the improvements using the $1.5 million

generated annually from the leasing of eight district properties.

State bond money is also expected to be used.

In more than 30 years, the district has not floated a local bond

initiative to pay for improvements, Stocker said.
