
Kids Talk Back

Mary A. Castillo

o7 The Independent went to Mesa View Middle School in Huntington

Beach to ask students, “Who is your best friend and why?”


“I don’t have a best friend because I’m close to all of myfriends. I

don’t think you can say one friend is better than the other.”

Andrea Ostrowski, 13

“My best friend is Rachel Tello. We’ve known each other since the

sixth grade. She’s my best friend because we help each other out, we

respect each other and we have a good time when we hang out.”

Jessica Mendoza, 14

“I have two: Jessie Zilner and Sarah Hall. They’re nice to me and they

help we with my math, reading and writing homework. We met last year and

next year one of them will go to the same high school with me.”Janae

Guite, 15

“Dax Miller is one of my best friends. We’re on the basketball team

and our dads are also good friends. I’m also close to my neighbor, Larry

Westmoreland. When I’m in a bad mood or something is going on, he’s the

first to ask me what’s going on.”

Ryan Shiloito, 13

“Aaron Gonzalez has been my best friend since we met in kindergarten.

We hang out with each other and next year he’ll be here at school with


Marcel Mejia, 12
