
Kids Talk Back

o7 The Independent went to Spring View Middle School in Huntington

Beach and asked children, “If you were given the opportunity to do one

thing tomorrow that you’ve never done before what would you want to


“Go to Africa and help the people in need. The people are in need of

food and don’t have money to buy it.”

Danielle Walker, 13

“Go to the Bahamas. It looks like a fun place to go. I’d want to go

snorkeling and SCUBA diving.”

Chris Gorham, 14

“I would want to help people that don’t have homes. I’d go with my

family and we’d live for a little bit in that country or town and give

them a hot meal and shelter. They would be happy. I would give them a

newspaper that shows them all the jobs. I’d want to bring as much of the

people to find jobs and make money.”

Drew Ogdon, 11

“Dance in the American Ballet Theater in one of their performances.

They have really beautiful dancers and the teachers are really good. I’m

a dancer right now. Dance lets me express myself. I like to be

disciplined. I learn something new everyday.”

Kaitlin Cotarelo, 12

“Go to France because some of my relatives used to live there and I’d

like to see what it’s like. I had a French class last trimester so I know

a little bit of the language.”

Nick Delgleize, 12
