

The theme of this month’s Newport Beach Police Appreciation Breakfast

was hard to miss: It’s a team effort.

As the winners came forward, at some point they either thanked their

co-workers or straight-out said that others were more deserving of the

award they were receiving.

This humble nature of the city’s best officers, civilian workers and

volunteers showcases why it must be difficult to narrow down the best of

what we all know to be an outstanding group of public servants.

But it bears and deserves repeating. Newport Beach residents are

uncommonly fortunate to have the quality of people serving them in the

Police Department.

In the past year alone, our officers helped track down a man suspected

in six murders and high-profile jewelry store robberies, diffused a

dangerous situation involving a man with a gun and kept the city among

the country’s safest.

They do so through long, hard hours of work -- work that also affects

their families, who are often left alone and always made to wonder if the

worst, in a profession where the worst is truly meaningful, could

possibly happen today.

They do so by being at the forefront of crime-fighting techniques and


They do so with courage, care and compassion.

They have earned our thanks.
