
Costa Mesa branches out

Lolita Harper

COSTA MESA -- While picking up the dry cleaning or grabbing a quick

meal to go, residents can now stop in and order a book at a branch

library that is conveniently located in a strip mall on Bristol Street.

City and county officials gathered Wednesday morning for the grand

opening of the Costa Mesa Technology Library at 3033 S. Bristol St. Mayor

Linda Dixon and Supervisor Jim Silva joined the new library staff and

about 60 members of the community for the inaugural event.

“This is not only a great resource to the people of Costa Mesa but

also the entire county,” Silva said. “Costa Mesa is on the cutting edge.”

The library has more computers than books, and it is the first Orange

County Public Library branch to be in a strip mall.

“By having a library in a shopping center, people can just add another

trip to their errand list,” County Librarian John Adams said.

The branch is part of a pilot program, Adams added. Library officials

will watch the progress of the mostly technological library to see how

many patrons it attracts.

The 2,400-square-foot branch offers 27 computer stations that provide

access to the Internet and the Orange County Public Library catalog,

database and computer programs.

“I look forward to seeing how successful we are at adapting

contemporary technology to the age-old mission of a library,” Adams said.

Councilman Chris Steel said he was excited about the enterprising

venture and hoped many neighborhood children could take advantage of the

free Internet access.

“It’s a wonderful resource for the youth of Costa Mesa,” he said.

Six computers are designated for children and young adults and have

filtering software for increased security while searching the Internet,

Branch Manager Cameron Trowbridge said.

Parents must sign a permission slip before a minor is allowed to use

an unfiltered computer, he said.

Dixon not only had the privilege of cutting the ceremonial red ribbon

with oversized scissors, she also was the first Costa Mesan to check out

a book.

“While I was checking it out, I also found out that my darling

daughter had a $55 fine,” Dixon said laughing. “So I am also the first

person to pay my family’s fine.”


Costa Mesa Technology Library hours

* 1 to 9 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday

* 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday

* Closed Monday and Sunday
