
Pioneering back to the Old West

Deirdre Newman

Dressed in a plaid shirt, suspenders, blue jeans and cowboy boots,

Harrison Stern knelt on the ground and tried to scoop out the gold

nuggets from the dirt in his pan.

Digging for gold was just one of the activities Harrison and other

first-graders engaged in Tuesday morning during Pioneer Day at Costa

Mesa’s California Elementary School.

The students have been studying the olden days for about three weeks

now, and Pioneer Day offered them an authentic experience instead of

vicariously learning about the Old West through their textbooks.

“It gives the kids a real feel for what it was like versus just

reading about it,” teacher Cindy Ronquillo said.

In addition to panning for gold, students also tried their hand at

making butter, peeling vegetables and square dancing.

Fourth-graders also shared in the pioneer experience, helping out at

all the various stations.

To help the students learn how to square dance, Shona Lamb and Jill

Beck had to do some research -- checking out a “How to Square Dance”

video at the library -- and then adding some moves of their own.

Some first-graders also became men Tuesday -- practicing shaving for

the first time with fake razors and shaving cream.

At another station, students learned how to embroider.

“They’re quite good,” parent volunteer Kibra Woldemichael said.

“Actually some of the boys are more crafty than the girls.”

While all of the students said they enjoyed the pioneer experience,

many acknowledged life was more difficult in those days because of the

physical exertion.

“It’s really fun, but I learned it’s hard work,” student Brad Wilson


Parent volunteer Joan Wood, who was helping son Aaron make a sock

doll, said Pioneer Day was a great way to revisit old customs.

“We lost a lot of our culture, and this brings it back to our youth,”

Wood said.

-- Deirdre Newman covers education. She may be reached at (949)

574-4221 or by e-mail at o7 [email protected] .
