

On a recent weekend, as my friends and I rummaged through clothing

racks at Bloomingdale’s, we chatted about the day’s events, complaining

that nothing looked good and throwing out ideas on what to do that

evening. It hit me how lucky we are and how we as teenagers, living in

the society we do, do not stop to think what a wonderful life we have.

Often catching myself complaining about little things, I am the first

to admit that I do take my life and what I have for granted. Your

average teenager does not wake up each morning and count the things they

have to be thankful for, no one realizes the true effect of what you have

until you know what it is like to live without it.

Living in a society that is so fortunate, it is often a misconception

to many that the way of life we live is how the rest of the world lives.

Does anyone ever give true thought to what your brand new designer dress

could mean to someone else? To some, it may be a necessity we take for

granted, but for others the dress you will wear once to the school dance

is more than people make in a month’s worth of hard work.

To many, they wake up wondering what the day has in store for them,

and if they will be able to go to school and get home in one piece. They

wonder if they will go to bed hungry. Or be able to make enough money to

pay for their college education. Living where we do, we do not have to

face the hardships as others may. There has never been a time in my life

when I’ve felt unsafe, had not enough to eat or lacked the necessities I


When some are complaining about not having the most up-to-date cell

phone model, others are trying to figure out how to pay that month’s

phone bill. The small hassles of the day, like having a bad hair day, may

be the hardest battles we face throughout our day. Whereas just getting

through the day is a blessing for others.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, before you sit down with your family,

take a moment to reflect on your life and the things you have. Make this

holiday a time to give appreciation toward the things we may take for

granted. Say thank you to your family and friends and know how fortunate

you are to be living in such a wonderful place surrounded by people who

care for you.

* LAUREN LOEB is a Corona del Mar High School junior whose columns

will run on an occasional basis on the Community Forum page.
