
Kids talk back

o7 The Independent went to Marine View Middle School in Huntington

Beach and asked kids, “What are you going to be for Halloween?”f7

“I’m going to be death since I’m usually something elaborate and no

one can guess who I am. I’m going to have a mask and a scythe.”

Jeff Palan, 11

“A lady devil because my mom thinks I’m devilish sometimes because I

don’t clean my room. I’m going to wear a dress that has fire coming up on

it and has horns, a tail and a pitchfork.”

Nikki Schindler, 11

“I’m going as a witch with a black wig and a hat with stars on it.”

Angela Jaeger, 11

“An angel, because I want to be something new. Last year I was a


Kaeli Jones, 11

“I’m going to wear a baseball head with a screaming face and a

Yankee’s uniform.”

Ryan Burke, 11
