

-- Interviews and photos compiled by Bryce Alderton

The Daily Pilot went to College Park Elementary School in Costa Mesa

and asked third-graders how they think President Bush is doing so far.

‘Good. He’s helping the families of people that died in the


Gabriela Diaz, 8

Costa Mesa

‘He’s doing good. People are proud of him, and he’s happy that he’s

doing his job. He has a great life.’

Vanessa Romero, 8

Costa Mesa

‘Doing good for a president. He’s helping the wounded people and

saying lots of speeches that make us feel better.’

Anthony Tennant, 8

Costa Mesa

‘Good. He’s helping people that died, giving money to all the people

that lost friends and family. He’s a good president for the U.S.’

Douglas Guillen, 9

Costa Mesa

‘He’s really busy trying to plan for war. All of his work is pretty


Allie Whitfield, 8

Costa Mesa
