
Readers respond

Now that three cities have gone on record against the waiver I hope

that the Orange County Sanitation District will start thinking ahead --

before November, 2002 -- to what they can do to lessen the effect of the

untreated sewage on the Pacific Ocean.

It takes time to build infrastructure and the sanitation district

should be planning right now for a beneficial change in treatment.

Our ocean resources are finite. We must not continue to treat the

ocean like a poor cousin.

Nancy Donaven

Huntington Beach

“Yes, the city should fight the waiver that allows for the partially

dumped sewage. We can’t expect to dump all that out there and have no ill

effects. This is why around the nation we can’t understand why dolphins

are dying here . . . and they have sores there.”

Gary Droeger

Huntington Beach

“I don’t think they should let any untreated water go into our

coastline or out into the ocean.”

Rhonda King

Huntington Beach
