
Mailbag - Sept. 27, 2001

Campbell can solve Crystal Cove woes

Hats off to Assemblyman John Campbell for suggesting a creative and

sensible solution for the renovation of the Crystal Cove cottages while

responding to the affordable housing needs in Orange County rather than

the campground desires of transients.

Yes, the rents for our homes at El Morro Village could supply the

funds, almost $1 million a year, to restore the cottages. And that is in

addition to the $1 million profit our rents already provide to the State

Parks department each and every year. Allowing our 75-year-old community

to stay put saves $30 million in state-mandated relocation costs. Let’s

sit down and make Campbell’s plan a reality.


El Morro

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Rolly Pulaski is the president of the El Morro

Community Assn.

Teacher’s behavior should not be tolerated

I am aghast at the uncontrolled outburst Orange Coast College

political science professor Kenneth Hearlson had toward a Muslim student.

I do not expect an adult to behave in such a way, but I cannot tolerate a

teacher who is supposed to be knowledgeable and educated to behave this

way without making a protest. I think this man should not be allowed to

ever instruct any children or adults again. He does not have the

qualifications for the profession.

I am taking a computer class at OCC and the Thursday night after the

terrorist attack, I was so pleased to note that the campus was as usual.

There were no signs of misdirected hatred at any students. I felt proud

of the school and the students. I never expected such inappropriate

behavior on the part of a teacher.

I am deeply concerned, as two of my children are married to American

Christian Arabs (I have to clarify Arab with Christian as people seem to

think that all Arabs are Muslims) and I have grandchildren who are of

Irish, German, English, Native American and Arab descent. Some of my

ancestors go back as far as Plymouth Rock, but that does not make me any

more American than the immigrants who were just recently sworn in as


No matter what their ethnicity or color, they are Americans. I would

hate to think that my grandchildren would be subjected to such remarks by

some teacher.

My son-in-law and daughter-in-law are wonderful, caring people who I

was very glad to have welcomed into my family. By the way, they are both



Costa Mesa

Home Ranch would benefit Costa Mesa

I was pleased to read Susan Lovic’s commentary about the Home Ranch

(“Ten things one should know about Home Ranch,” Sept. 20). I agree with

her that the Segerstroms have gone to great lengths to make this project

work, and should now be allowed to go forward with it.

I support this endeavor and feel it can only benefit our city. I think

we all owe the Segerstrom family a big “thank you” for their many

contributions to Costa Mesa over the years.


Costa Mesa
