

Regarding Lodwrick Cook’s lack of being able to block his view with

his own yacht in front of his own homes (“Balboa Island yacht request

runs aground,” June 19). That right is why he bought his homes. He can

either look at his view or block it with his boat. Anybody that tries to

take that away from him will lose.

The Supreme Court has held up people’s right to their view or lack of

it if they own the property. If the guy next door doesn’t like it, too

bad, buddy.

I very seldom get involved in civic issues, but this is an issue that

goes back to the rights of people.

The only right someone has when they buy a house is to look straight

up at the sky when they’re on their own roof.

Nobody has ever guaranteed people’s views. To start this would be

absolutely the worst thing that could happen and will end up in major

lawsuits. If people can’t figure that out, then something’s wrong.

It’s a big issue. I own waterfront property. If I want to block my own

view in front of my own waterfront property, that’s the way it is. That’s

why I paid millions of dollars for it.

The city of Newport Beach, by denying this guy’s permit after he

bought two lots, is absolutely wrong, and I hope it gets sued and has to

pay major damages to this poor man.

* OWEN MINNEY is a Costa Mesa resident.
