

DENOMINATION: Nondenominational; one of about 6,000 independent

Christian churches

ADDRESS: 1207 Main St.

TELEPHONE: (714) 536-2589

YEAR CHURCH ESTABLISHED: Thirteen people established the church in

1895, when Huntington Beach was known as Pacific City. The church was

incorporated in 1905 as the First Christian Church of Huntington Beach.

SERVICE TIMES: Worship services are held Saturday at 6 p.m. and Sunday

at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Children’s programs for ages 3 through fifth grade

meet concurrently. Junior and senior high school classes meet at 11 a.m.

Five or six adult Sunday school classes meet at 9:30 and 11 a.m.

SENIOR PASTOR: Bruce Templeton

PASTORAL STAFF: Bob Ewing, executive minister; Ruxton Schmietenknop,

junior and senior high school; Scott Roderick, discipleship and

evangelism; Billy Baker, creative arts; Kurt Goble, children; Scott

Grooms, seniors and pastoral care; Valerie Cunningham, programming; Blair

Farley, associate; Scott Julian, associate; Amanda Graybill, women; Don

Sewell, music and fine arts; Cindy Roderick; children’s ministry staff;

James Wenrick, licensed care social worker, counselor; Marilou Cruz, MFT

intern, counseling services; Linda Marsh, director -- early childhood

development center; Art Blietz, principal -- Huntington Christian School;

Vivian Newton, 24-hour prayer line.

SIZE OF CONGREGATION: 860 members; 1,900 attend weekend services.

MAKEUP OF CONGREGATION: Reflects the demographics of the city. There

are 250 junior and senior high youths and 300 senior adults, as well as

all ages younger and in between. The majority of the congregation comes

from Huntington Beach. Other members come from throughout West Central

Orange County.

CHILDCARE: Childcare for infants and young children through the age of

3 is provided at just about all services and activities.

TYPE OF WORSHIP: The service is contemporary with music provided by a

variety of instruments. Sermon notes and songs are projected as

PowerPoint presentations for the congregation. Drama and video are also

used at services.

TYPE OF SERMON: Biblically based, life application that includes a lot

of scripture. Sermons are typically part of a series. Sermons are taped

and are available to the congregation and visitors.

RECENT SERMON: Part of a series titled, “The Seven ‘Wonders’ of the

World; Claiming Victory Over Cultural Values.” Last week’s sermon was

delivered by youth minister Ruxton Schmietenknop. It was titled, “I

wonder how much is enough?”

UPCOMING SERMON: Templeton will deliver the sermons for the next two

weeks. They will focus on pride and prejudice.

WELCOME WAGON: Members aim to be unobtrusive with visitors. The church

is large enough for visitors to get lost in the crowd and they are

allowed to do so if they wish. They are invited to fill out an attendance

card along with everyone else. A packet of information about the church

is available to those who want it.

OUTREACH PROGRAMS: Missions is a big focus for the church. Each year

the church gives 15% of its total budget, currently $280,000, to the

support of various missions and missionaries. Locally, the church

supports Ecumenical Service Alliance and Hope University. The church

sends support abroad to 20 missionaries and mission groups, including

missionaries in India, Sudan, Africa, Asia, Mexico, the Philippines and


DRESS: Whatever you want to wear.

CHURCH DESIGN: From the 1920s until mid-1950s, the church was at 8th

and Orange streets. The church moved to its present location in the late

1950s and the present sanctuary was built in 1983. It is a contemporary

design with 180-degree seating that accommodates 900.

MISSION STATEMENT: PROCLAIM God’s love to bring everyone into a

personal relationship with Jesus Christ. PRAISE God through obedience and

worship to bring God’s people to maturity in him. PREPARE God’s people to

serve the church, the community and the world.

VISION STATEMENT: To present Christ in a clear, concise and credible

way to the people of West Central Orange County so that they can grow to

their full potential in Him.

“You are a member of God’s very own family . . . and you belong in

God’s household with every other Christian.” Ephesians 2:19

INTERESTING NOTE: The church has operated a preschool for the last 30

years. It has 190 students enrolled. The church has also operated a

kindergarten through eighth-grade school for 20 years. It has 360

students. The church is well-known for its 33-year-old drive-through

nativity presented during the first week of December. The event takes the

efforts of about 300 volunteers. Small group classes and ministries meet

at the church throughout the week. For more information contact the

church. “What You Need,”’ (for grades one through five) and “He’s Got the

Power,” (for preschoolers and kindergartners), formerly known as Vacation

Bible School, will meet Aug. 6-10. Call the church for more information.
