
READERS RESPOND -- What do you think about councilman’s alleged


I do believe that Chris Steel should maintain his job as councilman.

He’s doing a very fine job. As far as his committing a felony -- he and

Richard Noack -- I don’t think either one of them realized that it was a

felony to sign someone else’s name when it was your spouse that you were

signing for.

I don’t think he felt he was doing anything wrong. If he wanted to be

really nasty, he could have put a lot of people’s names on there that he

didn’t even know or had never even met. I’ve seen him many times -- at

the Fish Fry and everything else -- and I think he’s a very, very nice

man and wonderful for our city.


Costa Mesa

I just wanted to make some comments about Steve Smith’s column

Saturday, “Men of honor? Steel and Rodman fall short of the mark.”

I don’t know Steel. All I know is when I tried to get some information

about 17th Street and I contacted all the council persons, he was the

only one that returned my call.

I don’t know about this lying and all that, but I have a feeling the

poor man probably felt like he probably wouldn’t win this election

either. And I know that I’d seen his name on the ballot many times, and I

voted for him. I thought anyone with that much stamina, I’ll give him a


I can’t say that he’s done any worse or any better than the others

sitting on the council.


Costa Mesa
