
Mailbag - June 5, 2001

Westside market a great start in improvement

You recently ran an article on El Metate Market as a follow-up called

the “Changing Westside of Costa Mesa.” I would like to comment on what a

great place El Metate Market is for shopping.

I am not a resident of Costa Mesa, but I do shop there. I was

originally referred by a friend and expected a Mexican deli. When I got

there, it was so much more. Now I do all my shopping there. It is big

enough to serve all my needs but small enough to have that familiar

mom-and-pop store feeling.

The market is a great addition to the area, and I hope the owners

continue the cleanliness and small-town feel.


San Juan Capistrano

EDITOR’S NOTE: Arthur D. Veyna works in Newport Beach.

Westside still the neglected side of town

I’m so happy to hear that things may be done for the Westside, and we

can straighten up a lot of this mess -- maybe get rid some of the big

semis and trailers that go by here on 17th Street and fill the potholes.

There’s so many things here that can be done and need to be done. I

think that it doesn’t do Costa Mesa any good to say all the things

they’re doing when this side of town is so neglected. Now we have a new

market, which is a beautiful, clean market you’re not afraid to go in.

And they’re so friendly. I’m praying that things will work, and they will

be able to stay there.


Costa Mesa

Cox not fair enough to be judge anyway

I was shocked to read that Congressman Chris Cox was unhappy with the

“undemocratic use of the blue-slip policy” by Sen. Barbara Boxer

(“Judicial seat not in Cox’s future, May 25). When the Republicans used

the exact same policy to derail judicial appointments by President

Clinton, Rep. Cox did not seem to find it “undemocratic” at all.

Just more evidence, it seems, that Cox lacks the fair and balanced

judgment we expect from a federal judge.


Newport Beach

Geiser-Sandoval owes apology for comments

It was a great column by Gay Geiser-Sandoval acknowledging the success

of Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa high schools’ ninth- and 10th-grade

teams at the Orange County Academic Decathlon (“Academic teams shine in

Newport-Mesa,” May 29). I love the way she helps the reader share the

anticipation and excitement of the award ceremony itself.

But most of all, I was so very proud of Costa Mesa High School for

winning first-place overall team in Division II. The competition is

daunting and only a well-coached, intelligent and dedicated group of

students has a shot at the top position.

But tell me, why print the insult to Costa Mesa High School? Why does

she suggest students cannot receive a “good education” at the high

school? Truthfully, that’s what really sticks out in the article.

On the one hand, she decries the media for what it “chooses to cover,”

but on the other, she slams Costa Mesa as the school with the “reputation

as the school that you transfer out of if you want to get a good



I think Geiser-Sandoval owes them an apology. If I were a student,

staff member or administrator at Costa Mesa I would feel insulted. Like

all Orange County high schools, Costa Mesa has many kinds of excellence

to celebrate. How about an article on additional kinds of successes at

Costa Mesa to make amends? I think their community deserves it.


Newport Beach

Thanks for making Pilot Cup great event

Congratulations to the Daily Pilot for again sponsoring a great

community soccer tournament. I have enjoyed reading about the youngsters

who, no doubt, come from many backgrounds and have the chance to meet

each other and compete when this is not often possible during the school

year. Thanks should go to all the supporters who volunteered their time

to make this event happen, as well.


Newport Beach
