
Report card

--Compiled by Angelique Flores

‘Home Tour’ aids school district

The Huntington Beach Educational Foundation will host a “Home Tour”

from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Six homes and gardens in the Seacliff

area of Huntington Beach will be featured.

Tickets are $30 and will include a gourmet picnic lunch at Huntington

Seacliff Elementary School.

All proceeds will benefit the students and teachers of the Huntington

Beach City School District. Tickets are limited. Contact Jean Turner at

(714) 378-1512 or at o7 [email protected]

Checks can be made payable to the Huntington Beach Educational

Foundation and mailed to the district office at 20451 Craimer Lane,

Huntington Beach, 92646.

Ticket forms are also available at all school offices in the district.

Golden West celebrates Cinco de Mayo

Golden West College students, faculty, staff and community members

came out to celebrate Cinco De Mayo last week.

“It’s a way to unify and educate our campus community about another

diverse culture, allowing everyone to celebrate our campus diversity,”

said Christana Montes, Intercultural Center coordinator.

Celebrating the holiday has become increasingly popular at the


This year’s festivities in the quad included a celebration of Mexican

culture, face painting and music by Mariachi singer Sandy Garcia and Mega

92.3 (KCMG). Food was provided by Super Antojitos in Huntington Beach.

Members of the International Latino Students Association soldo7 pan

dulcef7 (sweet bread) to raise funds for scholarships.

The holiday commemorates the victory of the Mexican Army over the

French Army at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The 2,000 Mexican

soldiers won despite being outnumbered by the 8,000 French soldiers.

Day honors California’s teachers

Wednesday was set aside as the Day of the Teacher to acknowledge the

dedication and ongoing efforts of California’s teachers. This year’s

theme, “Teachers Send Rays of Light -- Catch Yours!” emphasized the

energy teachers put into reaching every child academically and


The Assn. of Mexican-American Educators sponsored the event. During

the 1970s, the group adopted the Mexican tradition of annually

recognizing teachers and began organizing appropriate events throughout

the state. In 1985, the Day of the Teacher was officially adopted to be

observed each year on the second Wednesday in May.

Campus Pride Day will clean up schools

Ocean View High School will host Campus Pride Day from 8 a.m. to noon

May 19. The school plans to beautify the campus with gardening, window

washing, field repair, painting and trash cleanup. All community

assistance is welcome.

Ocean View is at 17071 Gothard St., Huntington Beach, at the corner of

Warner Avenue.

Fountain Valley parents organize Grad-Night

Fountain Valley High School parents are organizing the 14th Grad-Night

party for the 2001 graduating class. The substance-free evening for

students will take place at the school June 13, following the graduation

ceremony and continuing until 5 a.m.

The popular night of tradition for seniors will include fun, food,

dancing, entertainment and prizes.

The committee is requesting donations from companies, clubs and

individuals to help cover expenses and provide door prizes for the event.

Donations are tax deductible.

Donations can be sent to the school at 17816 Bushard St., Fountain

Valley. (714) 962-3301.

Classes of 1961 holding reunions

Huntington Beach and Westminster high schools’ classes of 1961 are

having their reunions on July 28. Information: (714) 847-8459 or (714)


Tran selected to study government

Ocean View High School junior Dan Tran was selected by the Huntington

Beach Elks Lodge No. 1959 to attend the California Golden Boys’ State

Laboratory of Practical Political Science.

The laboratory, held at Cal State Sacramento, is designed to educate

the youth in the duties, rights and responsibilities of American

citizenship, as well as the workings of their government.

The Lodge has sponsored six boys from Huntington Beach Union High

School District over the past eight years.

Pegasus students place in science fair

Pegasus School in Huntington Beach was named the UCI Science Education

Advisory Board Outstanding School in the junior division at the 46th

annual Orange County Science and Engineering Fair.

The middle school students who placed in the top three or received

honorable mention are Roger Billingsley, Faryar Borhani, Carissa

Cummings, Danielle Dunn, Jonathan Gordon, Laura Gordon, Geoffrey Grant,

Georgie Konugres, Lauren Marshall, Katie Sawhney and Christine Shepard.

The first- and second-place winners will represent Orange County at

the State Science Fair later this month in Los Angeles.

Seacliff teacher honored for science teachings

Beckman@Science hosted the Vision for Excellence Awards which honor

Orange County’s top science educators.

Huntington Seacliff Elementary School teacher Anne Weber was one of 20

nominees for the Vision for Excellence Awards. Huntington Beach City

School District will benefit from the $250,000 Beckman@Science district

incentive grant.

Beckman@Science is a county initiative funded by the Arnold and Mabel

Beckman Foundation to incorporate quality science education in the

elementary classroom.

Spelling bee winners announced

Huntington Beach City School District honored its spelling bee

winners: fourth-grader Jade Quail and fifth-grader Jacob Jaffe of

Peterson Elementary School, sixth-grader Michael Thompson and

eighth-grader Cassie Wallace from Dwyer Elementary School, and

seventh-grader Nancy Woo of Sowers Middle School.

Coastline to host Web master certificate

Coastline Community College will offer a new Web master certificate

program the state has called “unique.” The comprehensive courses will be

available online. It will also integrate a mentoring program designed to

provide students with feedback on their projects from mentors who are

professionals in their field.

The 11-course program will emphasize three areas: technical, content

management and business management.

Educators of the month named

Duke’s Huntington Beach honored its Educators of the Month: Judy

Durbin, Irene Borses, Kay Fletcher, Nicole Lewellyn, Leigh Robertson,

Lisa Malone, Denise Jacot, Penny Haugen, Barbara Richtol, Terry Slutsky,

Robin Marino, Susan Maya, Linda Finster, Amy Volk, Janet Montgomery and

Sue Burgin.

Outstanding teachers and administrators are nominated from 10

elementary and middle schools in the Huntington Beach City School


Surf City teachers visit nuclear industry

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station held its annual Teacher

Institute. Huntington Beach High School teachers Karin Adams, Bob Dreifus

and Dave Van Hoorebeke were paired with employees to learn firsthand the

types of skills required for employment in the nuclear industry.

The daylong event included a panel discussion, plant tour and close-up

look at individual jobs.

Hope View to hold carnival

Hope View Elementary School is having a 50s-themed carnival from 2:30

to 6:30 p.m. June 8. The event will feature a DJ, games, crafts, raffle,

food and an Elvis marionette show.

Proceeds from this year’s raffle will directly benefit the students by

providing start-up funds for assemblies and programs for the 2001-2002

school year.

The school is at 17622 Flintstone Lane in Huntington Beach.

For information or to donate raffle items, call Debbie Rojas at (714)


Host families sought for students

Host families are being sought for 25 high school students from

France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Denmark and other foreign countries for

the upcoming year, in the American International Youth Student Exchange


Students ages 15 to 18 will arrive in August, attend local high

schools and return to their home country in June 2002.

The students are fluent in English, and have been screened by school

representatives in their home countries. They will have spending money

and medical insurance. Host families may deduct $50 per month for income

tax purposes.

If interested, contact the organization’s International Headquarters:

Office of the Director, 200 Round Hill Road, Tiburon, CA, 94920 or call

(800) 347-7575 or visit o7
