
CMNLL Majors: Cardinals take care of Diamondbacks

The Cardinals used effective pitching from Tim Morley and Evan Van

Geem to defeat the Diamondbacks, 7-3, in Costa Mesa National Little

League Majors Division action Monday.

Morley and Van Geem combined to strike out 11, while Eddie Tomasek

sparked the offense with three runs scored.

Van Geem helped his own cause with a single, double and two runs

scored, while Starnes Arnold, Daniel Freeman and Peter Frydendall also

added key hits for the Cardinals.

On defense, Garrick Williams and Chris Falbo stopped D-Back rallies

with strong play.

In Minor B action:

A’s 11, Marlins 10 - Despite the loss, strong play was provided by

Marlins’ standouts Jacob Wachman, James Wanbaugh, Johnny Valdez, Joshua

Ryding, Bryan Guzman, Joshua Erno, Julian Valdez and Johnny Valdez.
