
Celebrating the Resurrection

Stefanie Frith

Planted in the sand stood a tall, wooden cross. Behind the cross, the

waves tumbled and crashed. Overhead, the sea gulls screeched. And in

front, hundreds of people perched in lawn chairs and sitting on bright

blankets listened to an Easter sunrise service by Christ Church By The

Sea United Methodist in Newport Beach.

About 300 people braved the chilly, foggy weather for the 11th annual

6:30 a.m. sunrise service on the sand at 14th Street. The Rev. George R.

Crisp said each year, the service continues to grow, but the message

always stays the same -- it only gets updated with the times. He also

said there are always poem readings and songs by the Chancel Choir.

This year, Crisp’s sermon focused on women as role models, using

movies like “Charlie’s Angels” and the heroine Laura Croft from the video

game “Tomb Raider” as examples.

“I thought of Mary Magdalene when I wrote this,” Crisp said after the

service. “She was the last woman at the cross. And I am aware of pop

culture. So I thought of this [sermon].”

Paul and Donna Velgos of Newport Beach said they were impressed with

the overall message of the one-hour service.

“We are currently looking for a church to join and we really liked the

service,” Donna Velgos said. “[The Laura Croft reference] was very

contemporary and California too. And it’s so nice here. We even saw

dolphins go by earlier.”

Nancy Flanagan of Costa Mesa said she also enjoyed the service. She is

not a member of Christ Church, but this is the second time she has come

for the sunrise service.

“Easter is a terrible time to go to church. It’s so crowded,” Flanagan

said, holding a blanket in her arms. “Coming to this sunrise service is

informal. It’s just wonderful. It was just perfect. Driving here, it was

so foggy, and then the sun came out and we got to see the sunrise. It was


After the service, most of the crowd carried their blankets and lawn

chairs across the street to the church for refreshments as volunteers

dismantled the sound equipment and carried away the lilies that had

rested beneath the cross.

Darrel Ferguson, a Santa Ana resident and member of the church who was

helping put away equipment, said he was glad to see more people at the

sunrise service this year. He noted that next year, the church should add

more speakers so that everyone can hear.

“There was a really good crowd. I think people are really looking for

a way to get involved in Christianity,” Ferguson said. “People are

looking for an informal setting. It’s important to attend this service

because of the message of Easter. And I really liked the Laura Croft

thing too.”
