

“I saw the thick smoke and thought ‘Oh my God, oh my God, that’s right

on top of our house.’ At first I thought it was in our neighborhood, but

I never dreamed it would be my house.”

-- Robert Thais of Corona del Mar, on seeing smoke as he drove on the

Corona del Mar Freeway on Monday. Thais’ Spyglass Hill home sustained

$180,000 worth of damage in a Monday morning fire. No one was injured.

“When it’s spring break, we know our good season is around the


-- Robert Woodbury of Newport Landing, Fishing and Whale Watching,

speaking about the Balboa Fun Zone.

“I never thought this day would come. It all seemed impossible at

first. I needed this structure to help me get my act together.”

-- Melissa Doss, 25, on completing the rehabilitation program from the

Drug Court System at Harbor Justice Center. Doss, the program’s first

graduate, was addicted to cocaine and heroin when she was arrested in

January 2000.

“I’ve had a million parents call and say their children won’t be


-- Steve Pavich, assistant principal at Costa Mesa High School, on how

parents reacted to news of a Friday the 13th bomb threat found Wednesday

at the school. No bomb was found, but many kids took the day off.

“Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.”

-- Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach), on rumors that Pres. George

W. Bush might pick him for a federal judgeship, causing him to vacate his

Congressional seat.

“To say you can [handle] it with John Wayne . . . is a media position

and has nothing to do with reality.”

-- Gary Proctor, Newport Beach councilman, on the projected growth in

the need for air travel in Orange County. Proctor said that by 2020, 38

million passengers from the county are expected to travel by air.

“Of course there’s going to be a little bit of growth. But if you need

an apartment, you don’t build a skyscraper to answer that need.”

-- Meg Waters, spokeswoman for the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority,

countering claims by groups in favor of an airport at El Toro that Orange

County’s air travel needs will grow dramatically in upcoming years.
