
CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON -- The Moral of the Story

“Our hope lies not in the man we put on the moon, but in the Man we

put on the cross.”

-- Don Basham

I remember the day the first man walked on the moon. It was July 20,

1969. It was my sister’s 17th birthday, and we had a house full of

family. It was a celebration of my sister, as well as a time to gather in

the family room and join the rest of the world watching the first

footprints made on the moon.

Neil Armstrong was the astronaut whose one small step for man was one

giant leap for mankind. It was dramatic. I remember that conversation

stopped when we watched him first touch the desolate lunar landscape. I

remember that we stood up straighter when we saw the American flag. I

remember that we ate homemade lasagna.

I remember the day I started third grade. I was in a new school and a

new state, and I hadn’t made new friends yet. I missed my old school, my

old state and my old friends. A cute girl with blond hair went out of her

way to befriend me.

I remember standing next to the playground fence looking out at the

street. But I turned around when I heard a sweet voice say, “Hi, my name

is Dennie. What’s yours?”

I told her my name, she introduced me to her friends and taught me how

to play hopscotch, which became my favorite recess activity. God knew I

needed a special touch and a special friend and sent Dennie at just the

right time. She took a courageous step reaching out to me, and I will

always remember that day. God continued to bless me through my friendship

with Dennie, and she continues to be a special friend to this day.

Two years later I switched to another school, and though I didn’t see

Dennie often, I always enjoyed it when I did. She was always friendly and

happy to see me. It was obvious that there was something different about

Dennie. She clearly had a deep inner peace and joy that I did not see in

my peers, or in myself. She often talked about God like she really knew

who He was.

I’d grown up in a loving family that believed in a loving God. We went

to church on Sundays, said grace at meals and prayers at night. But

Dennie said things I hadn’t heard before, or if I had, I’d never really

listened or thought about what it meant.

She told me about the difference between religion and a personal

relationship with God. She talked about God’s love, but better than that,

she showed me God’s love.

God reached out to me again through Dennie, again at just the right

time. She said I could just ask God to be a part of my life and I did.

The change in my inner sense of joy, peace and purpose has been dramatic.

Tomorrow is Easter. Easter is a dramatic day that comes at just the

right time -- in the middle of a season of freedom and renewal. Easter is

a day to remember the extent of God’s love.

It’s a day that I want to do more than just remember all God has done.

Instead, it’s a day that I want to get to know Him better.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at o7

[email protected] or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505,

Newport Beach, CA 92658.
