
‘Our Town’ auditions continue today

Auditions for the Thorton Wilder classic “Our Town” continues at 7

p.m. today at the Golden West College Mainstage Theatre. Interested

actors should read the play before auditioning for any of the more than

20 open roles.

The production, which depicts life in a small New Hampshire village at

the dawn of the 20th century, will be presented at 8 p.m. March 16-17 and

23-24, and 3 p.m. March 25. Produced on a bare stage with minimal props

and period costumes, the play is a hallmark of American theater and a

haunting exploration of the life process.

Golden West College is at 15744 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach. The

Mainstage Theatre is near the Gothard Street entrance. Parking is free.

Tickets are $10.50 for general admission, and $8.50 for Goldenwest

students, Gold Key cardholders and children younger than 12. The

Mainstage box office will open 90 minutes before each performance, or

tickets may be reserved by calling (714) 895-8150.

Information: (714) 895-8772.
