

In the world of community news, it’s not too often a story comes

across my desk that tugs at my heartstrings.

But just that happened this week.

This story is about 13-year-old Jose Chavez, a Santa Ana teen who is

in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant.

Jose, a cancer patient at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and

Medical Center, was diagnosed Oct. 25 with acute lymphocytic leukemia --

a progressive, malignant disease characterized by large numbers of

immature white blood cells. This is the most common form of childhood

cancer. If left untreated, it can be fatal.

While Jose is in remission, his battle is far from over. He needs a

bone marrow transplant. But so far, a donor has not been found. His

parents, Maria and Jose, as well as his sister Cynthia, have all been

tested and were found to not be good matches.

So from noon to 4 p.m. Friday, at the Women and Children’s Pavilion at

the hospital, a bone marrow drive will be held for Jose’s sake. It will

be organized by the National Bone Marrow Registry.

And it doesn’t take much.

As Jose told me from his bed in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at

Fountain Valley Hospital, “it’s a simple little blood test.”

“If everyone could please donate just a little bit of blood, it would

be helpful,” he said. “It just takes one person.”

Jose has spent almost all of the last three months in the hospital,

going home only for a brief visit or two. This youngster has undergone

chemotherapy, and as of next week, his mother said, radiation therapy.

Thirteen-year-old boys shouldn’t be doing this.

He should be studying in school and playing his trumpet. He should be

playing soccer or his favorite Nintendo game. But he’s not.

Instead, he’s become friends with intensive care nurses doctor visits

have become a daily routine. He spends most of his time in bed and hasn’t

even seen his little sister for about a month because of his disease.

That’s why this drive is so important.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, but in this case, this

same village should support this child.

Take a few minutes Friday to donate some blood in Jose’s name. His

life depends on it.

* MARY BETH P. ADOMAITIS is the city editor for the Independent. She

can be reached at o7 [email protected].

