
Garofalo’s recall petitioned approved

-- Tariq Malik

HUNTINGTON BEACH -- The Citizens for Honest and Responsible

Government, a group of residents working to recall Councilman Dave

Garofalo, is hitting the streets to collect signatures from registered

voters who support their cause.

Resident Sandra Cole, who is spearheading the effort, said the group’s

petition forms were approved by City Clerk Connie Brockway on Friday. The

group has until June to collect enough signatures, 10% of registered

voters, to put the recall measure on an election ballot, she said.

Cole announced the recall effort during an October City Council

meeting, alleging that Garofalo voted on issues concerning advertisers in

publications which he published at one time, as well as used his position

as a city official to gain a desirable home in a new housing development

in the city. The claims are being reviewed by the Orange County district

attorney’s office, the Orange County Grand Jury and the state’s Fair

Political Practices Commission.

Garofalo has denied any wrongdoing, stating that he sought and

followed legal advice when there were questions on an issue.
