
In brief

Reviving its full-court press for an airport at the former El Toro

Marine Air Station, the Orange County Board of Supervisors will consider

in a special meeting today whether to spend $1.16 million for five

Washington, D.C., lobbyists.

The board was banned from lobbying federal agencies after the March

passage of Measure F, which would have required two-thirds voter approval

of any airport. However, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge on Dec. 4

tossed the measure out as unconstitutional.

At the special session, the board is set to act on the proposed

contracts. The board is also expected to extend its agreement with Robert

Richardson, the interim head of the county’s El Toro planning unit, until

April 20.

If approved, the board would offer consulting deals to Boland and

Madigan for $25,000 per month, Hill and Knowlton for $10,000, HMS

Partners for $10,000, DuVal and Associates for $10,000 and Glenn LeMunyon

and Associates for $7,000.

Under the proposal, the firms would be eligible for bonuses of up to

50% of the amount paid out annually if they meet certain objectives.

Their primary goal will be to secure a Record of Decision from the Navy,

which still owns the 4,738-acre base. That move would formally deed the

base to the county.
