
B.W. COOK -- The Crowd

The elegant oceanfront estate of Sally and Randy Crockett was the

setting for a lavish midweek reception on behalf of the Sound of Music

Chapter of The Guilds supporting the Orange County Performing Arts


Some 100-plus very handsome guests swept into Pelican Point for the

affair, chaired by Tracy Martin with assistance from Kimberly Feinberg

and Jeannie Morgan. The Sound of Music ladies, numbering just 55, have a

reputation for creating first-class events on the coast. The Crockett

reception was surely one of their most exciting.

Gucci, the upscale Italian purveyor of fine garments and leather

goods, threw a fashion show on the grounds of the Crockett estate that

was nothing short of dazzling. Chic models meandered the terrace, posing

poolside, climbing onto stone pedestals for a swoosh and a turn to show

off the very fashion forward look of Gucci.

It was difficult to determine just who was better dressed -- the

models or the Sound of Music patrons and their husbands and guests. For

anyone fearful that fashion and fine dressing have all but vanished in a

cloud of gray and black fabric suitable for every occasion, take heart,

the Sound of Music gals were front and center with style.

Newport’s lovely Cathy Lowden was best dressed in her ice blue

cocktail suit with a fur trimmed shawl collar dyed to match. Lowden was

Cinderella, nothing less. The affair was finished before twelve, so we

have no idea if the Lowden attire transformed into anything less

glamorous at the stroke of midnight. We’ll assume not.

The Center’s very dedicated Patrice Poidmore, a striking raven-haired

beauty, also was smashing in her very trendy leather suit worn with a

lavender silk blouse.

Also among the exquisite ladies was Eve Kornyei attired in creme

colored leather from Mi Place, Corona del Mar, and showing off the

jewelry trend of the season, black South Sea pearls and diamonds.

Bret and Andrea Reed chatted with Patrick and Grace Thelen. Also on

hand to support the Sound of Music Guild, Ed and Diana Sterling, Kelly

Hague, Kathie Porter, Diane Howe, Gerrie Goodreau, Nancy Olson, Debbie

Schweikert, Lana Chandler, Martha Green, Shari Essayian, Jennifer

Spindler, and Patsy Marshall.

A wonderful dinner with an Italian theme was catered by Creme de la

Creme as music filtered both inside and outside of the Crockett estate.

The Sound of Music Chapter of the Guilds is one of 34 chapters that make

up The Guilds of the Orange County Performing Arts Center.

In 1994, the ladies of Sound of Music achieved the status as the first

chapter to raise over $1 million.

* THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays.
