
AYSO Region 120: CM Scorpions, tie Mission Viejo United

The Scorpions, a boys under 11 APP soccer team from AYSO Region

120, battled the Mission Viejo United to a scoreless tie on Saturday.

MV came out hot early, but the Scorpions’ defense, led by Ryan Hilts,

Gilbert Beas, Joey Doyle, Scott Neiger and goalies Ryan Redding and Chris

Falbo, kept the United off the scoreboard.

Strong midfield play from Ricky Cendoya, John Allen, Chris Falbo and

Uly Vega kept the ball out of danger for the Scorpions.

Costa Mesa’s offense was led by Kyle Woodworth, Tommy Morris, Austin

Evett, while Gabe Sanchez and Blake Rowedink played a solid all-around


With the tie, Costa Mesa is 7-2-1.

In boys under 10 action:

Gladiators 3, Blue Thunder 3 - Rigoberto Perez scored a goal for the

Gladiators from 22-yards out following solid offensive work from Anthony

Flores, Derek Selgado and Zachary Noon.

David Felix and Evan Edison controlled the midfield, while Marc De

Frenza, Qusai Bhajeewala and Kyle Eldridge anchored the defense.

Tigers 3, Team #13 2 - Yacet Acosta scored two goals, while Drake

Brunette added one goal to lead the Tigers.

Scott Essen, Brian Bray and Elijah Talley anchored the defense, while

Alex Camacho-Clark and Michael Keef controlled the midfield.

In boys under 12 APP action:

Cosmic Blast 6, Aliso Viejo 0 - Rigo Miranda scored three goals to

lead the Cosmic Blast past Aliso Viejo.

Thomas Kosnosky, Alberto Nava and Willy Briseno all added single goals

to contribute to the offense.

Nick Feinhals and German Higadera each played with a ton of energy to

spark the Cosmic Blast.

In girls under 10 action:

Red Hot Chili Peppers 5, Galaxy Girls 0 - Olivia Clark, Kristina

Roche, Amanda Watson, Kelly Ryan and Cori Chapin each scored goals for

the Peppers, while Elizabeth La Grand, Maricruz Crooks and Patricia

Figueroa led the defense.
