

I’m certain that a newspaper of your high reputation is aware of its

obligation to report news stories fairly and accurately, especially when

quoting sources. Obviously your ombudsman was out to lunch when you put

together [the Sept. 14] edition.

In your Page 2 story about Ocean View School District Supt. James

Tarwater (“Tarwater nixes his double-duty pay”), you quote his persistent

critic, Barbara Boskavich, and identify her as a “community member.”

Would it not be more accurate and fair to point our that she is a

candidate for a seat on the Ocean View school board? This certainly would

inform the reader more accurately of her possible motivation.

Again on Page 7, in your weekly regurgitation of the same old

accusations about [Huntington Beach] Mayor Dave Garofalo, (“Garofalo at a

Glance”) you quote “resident” Debbie Cook and identify her as “an

environmental attorney.” Your editorial staff is well aware that Cook is

a candidate for City Council and is running on an anti-Garofalo platform.

Why was she not identified as a City Council candidate?

I have no problem with Boskavich or Cook exercising their 1st

Amendment rights, but, in the interest of fairness, your staff should

identify them as candidates for the offices of the men they are



Huntington Beach

* BILL BORDEN is a candidate for Huntington Beach City Council.
