
Retail roundup

It’s not always easy to be chipper. Even we at Retail Roundup have

days when we feel like things aren’t going especially well.

Thankfully, we note that there will be a charity massage-a-thon Sept.

24 to benefit Race for the Cure.

We’ve already told you about a haircut-a-thon that benefits the same

group, and this is a companion to that earlier announcement. The massage

thing, in our opinion, is probably a better way to relieve stress, should

you have any stress you need relieved.

The event will be held during the Race for the Cure in front of the

Pacific Life building, 700 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach.


Can chicken help make a terrible day seem fun? Can a nice drumstick

bring a smile to even the most downtrodden face?

Well, no, we’re afraid not.

But let’s not write off chicken too hastily. That fowl can be cooked

into a number of tasty dishes. And now there’s a Web site, o7

https://www.eatchicken.comf7 , that lists some of the more succulent

ways chicken can be prepared.

Did you know that the average store-bought chicken weighs 3 pounds and

12 ounces? We didn’t either, until we checked out the Web site. Doing so

didn’t make us any happier, and it didn’t make us want to eat chicken,

but you never know when a silly statistic might come in handy.


What else can we tell you? Cottage Corona del Mar, a furniture store,

is opening Sept. 23.

The store promises to stock “one-of-a-kind pieces that can be

personalized with custom faux-painted decorations” along with antiques

and some gift items.

We can’t think of anything funny to say about that, which is probably

for the best.
