

Warning signs were posted along a 4,000-foot stretch of Huntington

State Beach on Tuesday to advise swimmers about excessive levels of

enterococcus bacteria.

The postings are scattered along a section of beach that stretches

from 500 feet north of Newland Avenue to 500 feet south of Magnolia

Street, said Monica Mazur, an environmental health specialist with the

Orange County Health Care Agency.

Enterococcus bacteria may indicate the presence of other

disease-producing organisms, she said.

Previous warning signs were removed from the state beach Aug. 18,

before the latest postings this week.

Civil War Days set for Labor Day weekend

The city of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Historical

Society will present Civil War Days in Central Park on Sept. 2-3. The

two-day event will feature mock battles at 1 and 4 p.m. Saturday, and 11

a.m. and 2 p.m. Sunday. The event is free to the public.

Residents honored for community service

Thirty-three members of the Fountain Valley community will be

presented with Crime Biter awards and certificates of recognition at 4

p.m. today in the council chambers at Fountain Valley City Hall. Fountain

Valley Police Chief Elvin Miali will present the awards to residents who

have taken extra steps to reduce crime.

The recipients will be honored for such acts as aiding an injured

person, returning a lost wallet and credit cards, assisting in the Drug

Alcohol Resistance Education, donating stuffed animals to Project Cuddle

and donating gift certificates to the Peer Teaching Project.

Registration underway for fall adult classes

Registration is underway for fall adult education classes. The session

will run from Tuesday to Jan. 27.

Classes offered include short-term job training in computer software,

medical assisting, gerontology, auto maintenance and careers with

children. Adults can also learn English or earn a high school diploma or

equivalent, as well as take classes in parenting, physical fitness,

computers for senior citizens, investing and CPR and first aid. Many

programs offer continuous registration throughout the year.

The classes are free or provided at a reduced cost.

Enrollment takes place between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m at the Huntington

Beach Adult School Main Campus, 16666 Tunstall Lane, Huntington Beach.

Information: (714) 847-2873.

Low-cost preschool registration set for next week

The Huntington Beach Adult School will open registration for its

Parent Participation Preschool on Wednesday and Sept. 7. Children attend

the low-cost preschool, while parents assist in the classroom on a

rotating basis. Parents will also learn effective parenting skills in

evening seminars each month.

Attend early childhood education classes with your toddler one morning

a week and share in exploratory crafts and activities designed to enrich

development. Parents can learn about child development and effective

parenting of toddlers.

Information: (714) 847-2873, Ext. 219.

Water district seeks applicants for summit

The Orange County Water District’s Groundwater Guardian Team and the

Blue Planet Foundation are seeking applications from north-central Orange

County students for an all-expenses-paid trip to the National Groundwater

Foundation’s 2000 Youth Summit on Environmental Health in Nebraska.

Students interested in attending the Youth Summit will need to

complete an application and answer two short questions about Orange

County’s environment. Each student will also need to write a 250-word

essay about what he or she expects to get out of attending the summit and

what he or she wants to bring back to the community. Applications are due

Sept. 15.

Information: Sharon Lien, (714) 378-3362.

Surf City works with group to pick up abandoned carts

The city of Huntington Beach has hired California Shopping Cart

Retrieval Corp. to pick up abandoned shopping carts throughout the city.

Within 24 hours of a call from city staff, the group will pick up

abandoned shopping carts and return them to the appropriate store.

Cart retrieval is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week.

To report an abandoned shopping cart, the city has set up a hotline at

(714) 536-5271.

Seminar to help people get organized

“Get Organized, Preventing the Paperwork Pileup,” a seminar, will be

offered from 7 to 9 p.m. Sept. 14 at the Huntington Beach Adult School’s

main campus, 16666 Tunstall Lane, Huntington Beach. Professional

organizer Melinda Lipinski will share strategies, tools and systems for

organizing to increase efficiency and maintain order in multi-tasked

offices. Registration is $29.

Information: (714) 847-2873, Ext. 220.
