
TERRANCE PHILLIPS -- The Harbor Columns

On Sept. 8 and 9, some local inhabitants will be heard singing the

song that made Engelbert Humperdinck famous, “Please Release Me.”

After a one-year layoff, the 12th annual 552 Club “Get Hooked On

Hoag” tag and release billfish tournament returns.

The guests of honor include marlin, sail and swordfish -- which if

caught are tagged and released, consistent with the International Game

Fish Assn. rules and regulations.

An estimated 120 anglers are expected to participate. Proceeds will

benefit the hospital through the purchase of equipment, funding medical

research and patient assistance.

“This year, we’ve added another classification of fish just in case no

one catches a billfish,” said Lynn Cathcart, tournament co-chair. “Two

years ago, no billfish were caught, and we ended up drawing the winner

out of a hat. As a backup, we’ve decided to add bluefin tuna, yellowtail,

albacore, dorado and bigeye tuna to the mix. However, billfish tags are

still the focus.”

Last year’s event was postponed because of other tournament conflicts.

The 12 fishing fund-raisers have contributed more than $350,000 to Hoag

Hospital. Over the past 34 years, the 552 Club has raised more than $14

million to help meet the priority needs of the hospital. The club name

was created while trying to fund the facility with 552 hospital beds.

Currently, Hoag is a 416-bed facility.

The Balboa Yacht Club will host a bon voyage party at 5:30 p.m. on the

eve of the tournament, Thursday, Sept. 7. The party will include

appetizers, live reggae music, a silent auction, participant favor bags

and a drawing for a four-day, three-night stay at the St. Lucia Hyatt in

the Caribbean.

Residents who do not wish to enter the tournament but would like to

participate in the many festivities are encouraged to attend the bon

voyage party for a $25 donation or attend the award banquet on Sept. 9 at

$50 per person.

Information and reservations: (949) 574-7208.

The Balboa Yacht Club also will play host to the prestigious National

Adult Match Racing Championship, sponsored by Rolex, Sept. 19-23. The

winning team will be awarded a deeded trophy with the illustrious title

“Prince of Wales Bowl.”

Britain’s Prince Charles and his two sons have been invited to

participate, but their presence has not been confirmed at this time.

The course will be established offshore of Newport Beach. The U.S.

Sailing Assn. will select 12 teams -- race champions from the 10 U.S.

Sailing regional areas and two selected from their racing resumes.

Information: Capt. Troy Heidemann at (949) 673-3515.

Terrance Phillips is the Daily Pilot’s boating writer. His column runs

every Monday. He can be reached at (949) 642-4321 or via e-mail at

[email protected].
