

A good artist will advise those aspiring to become proficient in that

field to stand back from their work and view it from a larger perspective

and, only then, will they see the effect small brush strokes have on a

large picture.

I did just that, figuratively, after reading numerous articles in our

local publications that detail Mayor Dave Garofalo’s record since 1994.

The effect was astounding. With election time on the horizon, Garofalo

bashing has diverted my attention from all the small brush strokes that

could adversely effect our city’s future.

Debbie Cook, a neophyte lawyer who claims to be an environmental

specialist; Connie Boardman, who defeated her in her last City Council

bid; John Thomas, a former councilman now up on felony and misdemeanor

charges; and others who opposed a Wal-Mart in our city against the wishes

of the majority of voters, are running for a seat on our City Council.

Barbara Boskovich, the self-appointed leader of this group, which

includes Robert Cronk, a real estate brokero7 ,f7 is seeking a seat on

the board of the Ocean View School District.

Why are all these office-seekers coming out of the woodwork while our

attention is being directed to a possible error on the part of our mayor?

Is all the hullabaloo just a diversionary tactic so this “SWAT team” can

infiltrate offices so they can achieve their goal against the proven

choice of the majority in our city? If I posed this question to a

military tactical commander, his answer would probably be that the attack

on our mayor is nothing more than a diversion so his opponents can

prepare with little or no notice to divide and conquer.

I hope all the voters are not deceived by this insidious tactic and

vote for the individuals who will thrust aside the temptation to degrade

our city and sweep this vocal minority aside.

Huntington Beach deserves the best guidance available and, in my

opinion, if this small group achieves its goal, we are not going to get

what the majority wants -- a forward-thinking group of elected officials

who will make our city the jewel of the Pacific coast and the envy of our

neighboring cities.

Fortunately, there are others who have come forward to fill office

vacancies that will not shout “no” to every proposition that the silent

majority wants. This time, I believe we should closely scrutinize the

character of those on the ballot. If we don’t, we deserve what at we get.


Huntington Beach
