
Readers Respond

AT ISSUE: The Daily Pilot reported that the Newport Beach City Council

was discussing the possibility of canceling a few meetings to make time

for a summer break -- something done by nearby city councils and even


I was pleased to see your editorial, supporting the City Council

suggestion for a break during the summer when members do not have to


If the need arises, special meetings are always possible. Then I read

Nancy Penn’s letter, which declared, “If two meetings a month is too

much, maybe this is not the right job for them.”

Perhaps Penn should investigate further. If she does, she’ll discover

that what we see on community cable TV Channel 3 is but a small fraction

of the time that council members spend on city business.

Each of the members sits on other committees that meet regularly. They

all attend homeowners meetings and special events, and work with city

staff on constituent problems -- be it zoning or beautification. They

also have working meetings to review staff reports and other documents.

They do all this in their spare time, all the while exposing

themselves to criticism, regardless of its legitimacy.

I agree with the Pilot editorial. We all do better jobs when we take

that occasional rest.

I rest my case.


Corona del Mar

They sure don’t make ‘em like they used to in the olden days.

In 1974 to 1978, the City Council held study sessions from 1 to 5 p.m.

Council meetings rarely ended at midnight -- and with a lively issue they

went until 2 a.m.

For City Council members in those years, the financial and benefits

package was smaller by half compared to now and the perks carefully

monitored and reported. Sitting on the City Council was a privilege, a

job not to be taken lightly. Vacation time was never considered.

Despite these constraints, indeed it was civilized, with a studied

team approach to economy and efficiency in government, along with the

promotion of that quality of life which is special to Newport Beach.

Come to think of it, Councilman Dennis O’Neil was city attorney then.

As the indomitable President Harry Truman said: “If you can’t stand

the heat, get out of the kitchen.”


Corona del Mar

I believe it is good for council members to take time off during the


And in reviewing some of the decisions they have made this year, I

think they should also take time off in the fall, in the winter and then

in the spring too.


Newport Beach
