
Garofalo at a glance

Every week, more facts are uncovered about Huntington Beach Mayor Dave

Garofalo’s alleged conflicts of interest. In all cases, Garofalo has

denied any wrongdoing and said he’s consistently followed the advice of

the city attorney regarding any potential voting violations. Here is a

rundown of what has been learned so far.


* Garofalo’s company, David P. Garofalo & Associates, has had the

no-bid contract to publish the city-funded Huntington Beach Conference &

Visitor’s Bureau annual guide since 1993. The bureau pays nothing up

front to Garofalo, but his business keeps all the profits. The

arrangement could violate a state law that prohibits city officials from

benefiting from city business.

* Contrary to Garofalo’s previous assertion to state officials that

his role in the visitors guide involved only “non-sales issues” -- such

as “mechanical and technical aspects of publishing” -- he personally sold

ads in the 2000 visitors guide. At least one advertiser said he gave

Garofalo cash on the spot for a partial payment.

* Garofalo’s company received a $2,995 advertising check from

Commercial Investment Management Group for an ad in the visitors guide,

and he voted to push forward the Downtown developer’s $46-million project

four months later. A CIM executive said Garofalo personally solicited the

ad. Garofalo said the check was immediately deposited into the account of

a company he doesn’t own.

* Garofalo voted at least 87 times on issues involving his advertisers

in either the visitors guide or the Local News. All 87 times he voted in

their favor. City Atty. Gail Hutton has advised Garofalo that he should

abstain from voting when his advertisers come before the council, which

excludes the mayor from voting on many, if not all, major issues. At

Monday’s City Council meeting, he abstained from one vote. At the July 5

meeting, he abstained from 10 of 30 votes.

* Garofalo said at the June 19 City Council meeting that he would

divest himself from all of his publishing properties until he is cleared

by the Fair Political Practices Commission. He has yet to answer

questions on what that would entail and who would run his businesses.


* David P. Garofalo & Associates has had the contract to publish the

Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce Business Directory since 1996, a

year after he started his first term as a Huntington Beach councilman.

The chamber receives a fee and copies of the directory, which includes a

community overview. In exchange, Garofalo’s business keeps all the

profits from advertising. Advertisers include Rainbow Disposal Co. Inc.,

which has an exclusive trash contract with the city; Time Warner

Communications, which has the city’s exclusive cable franchise; and New

Urban West, a developer that’s building 53 homes next to the Bolsa Chica

wetlands. There is debate as to whether Garofalo still holds the


* In 1998, Hutton advised David Biggs, the city’s economic development

director, against paying a $4,500 invoice for Chamber of Commerce

community overviews because the money might flow back to Garofalo. The

overviews were invoiced by Coatings Resource Co., a company that Garofalo

had a $100,000-a-year consulting contract with.


* Garofalo has said that he sold the Local News in 1997 to Ed Laird,

owner of Coatings Resource. Laird, a former Huntington Beach planning

commissioner, said he transferred the paper to son Jeff Laird’s company

-- Air Quality Consultants -- with Garofalo continuing on as publisher.

County records show that Air Quality Consultants started operating the

paper in January 1999. However, they also show that Garofalo filed as the

paper’s owner in April.


* Garofalo secured a home in the city’s new St. Augustine tract after

voting many times to approve various stages of the project. Garofalo said

he bought the home, using cash from a friend, for $565,000 and sold it to

that same friend for $635,596 three days later. Garofalo said he made $1

on the deal after upgrades. Garofalo has declined to say if he competed

in a lottery as other home buyers did.


* A month after Hutton said she would send information about

Garofalo’s alleged conflicts of interests to the Fair Political Practices

Commission, the packet still has not been sent. Her office also has not

finished its investigation of alleged violations of a state law that

prohibits public officials from profiting from government contracts.

Hutton said the delay is in part due to Garofalo hiring legal

representation. His lawyer, Steven Churchwell, formerly worked as the

Fair Political Practices Commission’s general counsel.

* Resident Debbie Cook, an environmental attorney, has sent a packet

and four letters to the commission, asking them to look into Garofalo’s

dealings with advertisers in his publishing properties. The latest

letter, sent July 13, points out the discrepancies in various statements

about who owns the Local News. It also asks the commission to look at

former Planning Commissioner Ed Laird.
