
Danger Zone wins Irvine Cup

The Danger Zone, a girls under-10 Gold All-Star team out of AYSO

Region 117 (Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley), continued its torrid

tournament play by winning its division at the recent Irvine Cup, held at

UC Irvine.

It was the second major title in two weeks for the Danger Zone, which

also captured the Memorial Classic Soccer Tournament at Irvine Valley


The Danger Zone is comprised of Jena Klett, Alyson Gerondale, Laura

Wells, Marysol Rosas, Allison Bo Ekern-Reinicke, Alicia Gauthier,

Veronica Beavor, Megan Edwards, Allyson Cerda, Chelsea Howland, Aylin

Dermenci, Kaylee Schneekluth, Alyssa Morris, Shannon Smythe, Kaleigh

Budd, Coach Ron Budd and assistant coach Louie Cerda.
