


Schools need repair money now. A yes on Measure I will maximize the

district’s return on its assets. Do the math:

* Yes on I raises a conservative $156 million and guarantees

qualification for $27 million in state funds.

* Wal-Mart lease raises only $41 million and does not qualify for $27

million. Taxpayers pay the difference of $115 million.

* Wal-Mart: one rent increase in 25 years.

* There are no guaranteed sales taxes.

The state Office of Public School Construction says districts do not have

to complete approved projects in 18 months nor return money to the state,

which confirms the Yes on I plan.

For financial responsibility, vote yes on Measure I.


In January, Wal-Mart was named by Fortune Magazine as America’s fifth

most admired company, based on interviews with 10,000 top business

leaders.Wal-Mart is not the issue in this campaign, however.This is about

our city and kids, and building a better future for Huntington

Beach.Parents, taxpayers, and business and city leaders agree that

Measure I is bad for Huntington Beach because it will deny us:* $68

million in revenue for schools.

* $400,000 per year in guaranteed sales tax revenue.

* Property ownership for future revenue.

* Best funding for school and city needs without raising taxes.

Concerned citizens agree -- no on Measure I.
