
Historical Society to build museum in Heritage Park

Angelique Flores

FOUNTAIN VALLEY -- Local historic memorabilia will have a home in

Heritage Park.

After a yearlong search for the right place, the new home will be built

at the park, where an extension will be added to the old firehouse.

“We want to put these things where the city of Fountain Valley can see

them,” said Janice Tubbiola, member of the Fountain Valley Historical


The group hopes to enlist the city’s help in seeking county and possibly

federal grant money, and to begin raising the needed $120,000 to


“We feel strongly about preserving the history, and the city is committed

to helping the Historical Society,” Councilwoman Laurann Cook said.

Most of the historic objects include videotapes and photos of the early

pioneers. Right now, a lot of the residents who were around during the

city’s early days have these items stashed away in their garages. Members

of the society fear they may be tossed away with the garbage by family

members who don’t realize their significance.

“We’d like to preserve stories about the pioneer families,” Tubbiola

said. “This is important so that the citizens of the city can have a

referral to the past and find out how the city got started.”

The group often receives requests from students working on reports on the

history of Fountain Valley. The society wants to be a better resource of

that information and in a more visible way. And Heritage Park is the

perfect place, said society president Blanch Weaver, who called it “the

best-kept secret in town.”

Tucked away behind the library on Los Alamitos Street, Heritage Park and

the old firehouse are only open to visitors who have arranged for a tour

or for those renting the park for weddings or other gatherings.

The group is now considering opening the gates for docent-led tours of

the park and firehouse, where the city’s first fire engine, now retired,

is stored.

The extension to the firehouse will allow the group to hold its meetings

there. The members now have their meetings at the Recreation Center on

Brookhurst Street.

Formal plans for the architecture and design of the firehouse’s addition

have not been drafted yet.
