

THE ISSUE: The Huntington Beach City Council this month will consider

authorizing a request for $16 million in low-interest loans.

Some thoughts come to mind regarding the money to be provided the Robert

Mayer Corp. for the Waterfront Hilton expansion (“City will consider

Waterfront Hilton expansion funding,” Jan. 27):

1.) Why does the city have to give anything to the developer?

2.) If this is the only way the project will proceed and thus provide

Huntington Beach with much-needed revenue, why not just give the $8

million in loans and grants already provided by the federal government to

the greedy developer?

3.) I can understand why Mayor Dave Garofalo is so upset with the

volunteers on the city’s Infrastructure Advisory Committee. They are

working on ways to provide money for repairing the sewers, streets and

sidewalks. He is more interested in giving city funds to the greedy

